Opposites and Antonyms

4th Grade
Opposites and Antonyms - PowerPoint
Opposites and Antonyms - Worksheet
Opposites and Antonyms - PowerPoint
Resource 1/2
Opposites and Antonyms - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

ELA Lesson Description

Opposites and Antonyms: English Teaching Resource 4th Grade/6 English programme of study - Writing - vocabulary, grammar and punctuation: Develop their understanding of the concepts set out in English appendix 2 by introducing: How words are related by meaning as synonyms and antonyms (e.g. big, large, little) 'Opposites and Antonyms' is an English teaching resource focusing on how to use antonyms to create better sentences and improve writing. 'Opposites and Antonyms' is a handy 9 slide PowerPoint presentation that includes: Definition of antonyms with examples Matching antonyms task How to use antonyms to create better sentences activity Consolidation of understanding Antonyms interactive game link
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